I was looking through some random pictures on facebook and came across this one and remember just how awesome the school year is gonna be. Good God.
I just wanted to let everyone know that the pictures my sister and I took of Kicia got posted on cuteoverload.com. Yes, that's right, the very same pictures that you have witnessed on this blog are now all over the internet in cutesie form. Check it out.
I just redesigned my blog and it now looks like a "pop, eye-candy, web 2.0, typical, everyone uses this style" type of design. But hey, it's all about fun! Right now, I don't really care that this is how everyone's websites look like.
Me and the boss went to a great thrift store that was 3 floors big and had even more floors above it for storage and collection and who knows what. But it's in this great big old building. Here's some cool things we found:

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