
So I started becoming nostalgic for Poland and googled my hometown, Lomza.
I found a website about some American guy living in Lomza - like some sort of experiment.
He wrote: "In Poland, people never used to go out to restaurants or bars, didn’t use to have anything in the shops worth buying, so they lived on their own and stayed at home, entertaining their friends, cooking elaborate meals, drinking vodka, making their own clothes." And it's so true.

But it's so amazing reading about Lomza from the perspective of someone like him. He describes the architecture as "divided into two categories: communist apartment blocks and crumbling pre-war buildings."

But look at it, I think this building is beautiful. That's how all the buildings back in my hometown are. Colorful and symmetrical. And this particular street IS beautiful because it translates to "Beautiful." I'd love to live on 8 Beautiful Street.


Blogger gerhardj said...

Hey there, this was my website you are commenting on. Czesc.

I find myself nostalgic for Łomża sometimes too, and those colorful buildings. I'm not sure if beautiful is the right word -- more like "charming" -- but they are very very cool in their own way.

Thanks for reading!

Monday, October 17, 2005 10:53:00 PM  

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